Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Social Pressure

It's been more than a month since my last post, I am quiet lazy when i comes to writing in the blog. All the time i get ideas to write about, i just don't motivate myself enough to actually pen them down. 

Quiet like peer pressure, i have learnt that social pressure comes into play as you grow older and the so called "society" demands a bunch of things that have to be a certain way. Being Indian, i think it even more pressured, well since i don't know much about other cultures or societies. As a person grows older, certain responsibilities have to be completed or else the age old question "what will society think about this" comes into play. To live life, under your own terms and conditions is not allowed? I don't want to follow the stereotypical way of life, I want to live it on my own terms. What I define as stereotypical might be different from what others think so don't get me wrong. 

What i feel is that giving into social pressure just leads to stress and unnecessary depression. I have seen a lot of people who have actually given into this pressure and just lead a mundane life as dictated by the society, but as an individual, i feel that times have changed, but unfortunately most parts of the Indian society have not changed or evolved. 

The boyfriend becomes the hobby, the girlfriend becomes the hobby, the new passion, everything. I've had a lot of male friends who've drifted away because they have a new girlfriend in their lives. So much in that person, everyone falls off the planet and then you wake up one day and you realise that other person isn't all they were projecting to be and then your world crumbles, you become a modern Devdas.

Now while writing, i had just remembered what i had read from an article, and it basically sums up a part of what i am trying to say about pressure from society. If you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend or if you don't want to get married as per the "norm", you are abnormal. Why? I chose not to par take in the "married life" experience that most of the world enjoys past 25. I also chose not to become a modern day Devdas in love. I love to chose what makes sense to me. 

"Who will take care of you when your old?" - Well this is another common question asked when you decide not to get married, well i think i'm capable enough to take care of myself. Also, knowing today's day and age and our "lifestyles" i don't think I'm gonna live past 45. Well realistically, the life expectancy has dropped right after McDees, KFC and the sort entered into our lives. I love food. Doesn't it show on my curvaceous body?

That being tackled, let's go on to the "having kids" part of life, well i love kids. I will have my own kids. Adopted. I think its a better option anyways, adoption means i'm helping out the millions of kids who are in orphanages. They deserve a better life. Obviously they would not have my DNA, but I wouldn't want to give my DNA to my offsprings anyway knowing all the illnesses and the like in my family history. Plus i'm not too good in the looks department either. 

Out of all this, as a stranger, you might assume i wanna be miserable and alone all my life, but that's also not true, if you know me enough you know where this write up is leading, if not, then you don't quiet know me yet. 

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