Monday, December 24, 2012

Gang Rape

The latest topic of discussion, in every Indian's mind is gang rape. For those who don't know the details of what had happened in Delhi, just google and you will find millions of articles for the same. A lot has been said  in the media, but nothing has been done. Protests continue in Delhi, and honestly, this brings shame. When i think of that young girl fighting for her life, sustaining several injuries when six men in Delhi raped her and assaulted her male friend, I also want justice. And the rape was no ordinary one, these men proceeded to use and iron rod.

I am sure that quiet a number of incidents like these happen everyday in the world, but this was just a gross. Indians have been fighting for capital punishment ever since for rapists. I have not gone deep into reading about exactly what the law says about rapists and what the legal procedure is, but at some point i feel like even enforcing capital punishment, especially for these rapists, is just an easy way out. They might never be able to feel the pain and humiliation of the woman. 

My cannibalistic side says that the rapists should be tortured the way the woman was tortured. Not only physical torture but also should be publically humiliated. They should have an iron rod inserted into their bodies and left to pain. It really aggravates me when such shameful deeds happen, anywhere in the world. Capital punishment might not act as a deterrent to these people. Maybe a life long imprisonment might be a better option according to me. Let them suffer and rot in the jails instead of giving them an easy way out by killing them off.   

Moving on, rape in Delhi and neighboring Haryana is quiet common these days, and not only those two states of India, but most of India. The past few months have had media attention drawn to rape cases before this incident. More than gang rape, the incidents of rape of young women/girls has risen. The rape of a 5 year old by a temple priest, rape of a 70 year old woman by her young relative, rape by a neighbor, rape by dad and brother. 

I think that most of the rape cases are not by strangers, but mostly by close family or friends or relatives. All to often, we also hear of rape on the backward class women, or rape of the "dalit" woman. But all these cases, the rape was by someone close. So if we go ahead with the death penalty, you might find your neighbors, family and friends being hung. 

There was further talk of giving these rapists some physiological treatment once they are caught. This might work, but ultimately these men are "rapists". How can you assure that they will not do the same after they are "treated"? Think about it, when a father can rape his own daughter (and also including the brother in this un-Godly act), what's to confirm that the "treatment" would stop them from raping someone else. What goes on in their minds, we might never know. 

In this day and age of media and accessibility  i fear, i fear a lot of my niece and all the young girls/kids that i know. They will be growing up in a world where everything is out in the open, news spreads. 

Everyone wants justice, so do i. But what i fear is the outcome of these regular incidents. Its not going to deter the rapists. Its not going to change their minds.

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