Thursday, December 27, 2012

Life is what we make of it

Nope i am not talking about Katherine Heigl & Josh Duhamel's romantic comedy. This is more about life as we take it.. life, as we take it for granted! I always think, day in and day out... what could i have done different in my past, but never thought that life is what we make of it and today, i still have the power to change my life. 

Someone once told me not to have regrets in life, and maybe that statement did change me a bit. I learnt to appreciate every mistake i make. only by appreciating it will i learn from it. Well really, it doesn't stop there... gotta make the changes. Kind of a three step process. You make a mistake, your learn from it, you implement it and well DON'T repeat it. Sounds easy, well it aint that easy, as most of us know. We tend to make the same stupid mistakes over and over again. 

We normally take life as a given, but never understand the complication associated with it. We never tend to value what was given to us as a gift. In this day and age, we live life in such a fast pace that we forget to appreciate the small things. We tend to pile on so many responsibilities as we grow older that we forget to just stop and think. Stop and say thank you. Stop and say a simple sorry. 

Someone gave me another advise, "live everyday as if it were your last." Now that i tend to disagree a bit because i believe that this might be leading us to the end of our lives... some people live only to have a "goodtime." I used to be like that, but i realized that life needs to be valued, not just live for the good times, but also the bad. Sometimes that "fun" and "goodtimes" are the things that might lead to the end of our lives... is the little fun really worth the end of our lives?

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