Thursday, December 27, 2012


During some training, i found DO NOT ASSUME bit quiet interesting because the way the trainer pointed it out was interesting. Most of us might know it but if you don't here it is:

Clearly, assuming makes and ASS of U and ME.

A lot of the times, we assume that the point someone is trying to make is understood. Or we assume that the way we explained something was the most correct way of doing it. We also assume based on the looks or a person, or the job of a person. Have we ever taken a moment to stop and fully grasp the situation before assuming? Not that i know of. I am also guilty of doing the same. All of us as humans have this tendency to assume. The funniest thing i can think of is probably when someone says that "I am a doctor" or "I am a lawyer", every time i hear that i just want to respond - "No your not. You just happen to practice law or medicine".

There are certain other people who tend to assume that they are at a higher strata of life because of their job or earning potential and tend to disrespect or down down onto customer service agents, food service providers etc. The number of times i have seen people talking down on the poor waiters or servers in a restaurant, i have always wanted to get up and teach them some respect. Just because you pay for your one menu item, you don't own them. Nor do you own the restaurant. Learn some respect and compassion. Don't assume that these servers or waiters are here as your servants. Agreed that i have worked in the industry and i might feel more for them than other people, but this is just an act of humanity. There is no need to be rude to anyone, forget what they earn or what they work as. 

The truth is that we are more than what we do. In one lifetime one can be a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer and an entrepreneur all at once. I happen to know a few people who have such combinations of qualifications. They are people that have not fallen for this assumption.

Another common assumption is that of thinking having more money will solve your money problems. Ask the guy who inherited a million dollars and lost it all in a year or so whether it sorted out his problems. Knowing how to make money, make it grow and learning how to invest it wisely are part of the answer. Having more money is not the answer, but financial intelligence is the answer.

How about the assumption that having your own business is risky? Many would agree to that no doubt. Having a job is the more secure thing to do. But are you sure? If you really think about it and analyse things deeply you might find that having a secure job is actually more risky than being in business for yourself. Consider such statistics as the ones pointing to the fact that less than ten percent of retirees have enough money to look after themselves once they stop working. Isn’t that risky?

Always challenge the norm and seek out the answers for yourself. Follow no one blindly. Do nothing without first seeking to understand why. Always keep an open mind. Most importantly, believe in yourself and the fact that you are different and what you think matters more than what society says.

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