Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inner Happiness.

The title for this write up sounds like i'm about to talk about some inner peace or a form of nirvana. I'v not turned into a hippie. Not just yet. I am turning into a crazy fanatic though, living in Kuwait and most of the time alone, I have found myself listening to my inner thoughts sometimes.

Have you ever had the feeling of being scared of doing something  Even thought you know that you are right and this is right? Why should you feel scared then? Well maybe because by being mean to someone you might just offend them? Or they might not talk to you? Well, over the years i have learnt that no one really gives a damn. Sometimes to do the right thing you have to be hated but at the end of the day, "you sleep peacefully" as my ex manager used to say. A lot of things i have learnt from her about managing staff & also my personal stuff.

To find that inner happiness the easy path just doesn't work. I think the biggest weakness might be confrontational fears. Like most, i don't like confrontations but slowly i have started becoming accustomed to it. I have also learnt that once i know that i am doing the right thing, i will be happy at the end of the day. Finding a way to keep everyone happy, including yourself is mostly impossible. Someone or the other just might not like your decisions. Well cheers to that.

Some people try to go deep into the meaning of life thinking that they will achieve inner happiness once they know the meaning of their actions or the meaning of their existences  well i doubt that. According to me, if you try to over think something, you start complicating things more for yourself. If you just go by life and take things as they come without over thinking it, you might be happier and a less complicated person. What does bring inner happiness is the "unconditional love" that you give to your partners, loved ones and those around you.

For me, while playing with my nephew and niece  just spending even 5 minutes with them leads me to happiness. The minute i walk in home (in Dubai) from Kuwait that hug i get from my niece or nephew is happiness, its actually inner happiness. At least them being so young i know that they have not forgotten me and that they still like me even though i stay away from them weeks at a stretch.


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