Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I won't accept failure until its mechanical.

Failures are not your definition
Humans are not perfect. We all have flaws in us. We have all made errors in life. We tend to think negatively far too quickly. Life gives us opportunities to learn from, we call them failures. Many of us, spend unnecessarily long amounts of time on contemplating over a risky venture. I say that we should sometimes just take the leap and jump head in. Yes this tactic can not be applied at all times but there are times that we need to do this in order to learn.

Over time, I have realized that we come down on ourselves or our loved ones over failures. Most of the time, there are children around, they will learn from this. Failure should be taken as an opportunity to learn from. Now, I don’t say that we should embrace failure in any way or form, but don’t be ashamed to accept your failure. Once you accept your failure, this is the first step towards helping you to pick up the shattered pieces and moving on with life. Failure is a simple learning lesson and common to the nature of mankind.

We don’t need to observe failure to the point that we use it to judge or blame others. People will may a times in their lives do the best job they can only to find that they are getting no co-operation in their efforts. You might fail in one area, but remember that there are so many other scopes of life that you might succeed in. No one person was ever born that excelled at everything in life. If you think that you have lived your life and have never failed at anything – then I think your in serious trouble.

I am no expert at raising children, but as I know from experience that under the watchful eye of our parents, we never fail. Then the time comes to go out into the real world and experience failure. We fall at our first attempt of “life”. We go downhill from there. We take everything so negatively from there on that we don’t realize other opportunities to grab and succeed in. Some of us might just get up and quit all together and accept that we “suck” at life. Here we should have had some learning where we were taught that failure is a part of life. Some schools and education systems have adopted a no lose no win policy in the classroom, where there are no winners or losers. I find it a bit strange because when these kids will be thrown into the real world, or even college, they might crumble, fall and fold-up.

I can accept failure, but i can't accept not trying.

The main thing to understand here is that if you fail at one thing in life, there is always another door knocking. That other door might be the opportunity to learn from your failure that you have just gone through. As long as you don’t start to use failure as an excuse to complain and blame. I firmly believe that accepting your failure will create success. I think I fail everyday, but I tend to continue. I tend to go ahead with what I want to achieve. Failure is just a minor setback that you can overcome only if you accept that you have failed, learn from the mistake and keep on running.

This is what I read somewhere and I believe in it - To activate the Four Powers of the Sphinx – knowing, willing, daring, and keeping silence – requires us to let go of too much clinging to our ideas of success and failure. Activation is the place of opening, following, and knowing when and where to steer. To activate is the set things in motion. To do this, we need everything that has come before, every scrap of the fabric of our lives must be sewn into this. Nothing can hide from the fulfillment of the soul’s desire. Anything in our blind spots, or things we are avoiding, will still form the shape of our failure and success.

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