Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I am sure that most of you know what the word "racism" means, so i am not going to dwell into writing about what it means, but rather just speak about it. This "racism" has existed for ever since man was born. People believe that maybe because they have a certain skin tone, or certain salary level, or even certain nationality they are automatically on the top of everyone else that is present around them. 

I, for one, do not agree with any of that. As most of us also say the same, i am sure somewhere down the line in your life you have managed to offend someone which might be classes as racism or discrimination. There has always been and will always be a huge discussion around this topic, even if it gets edgy or touchy. I personally might have offended a lot of people. Even when you generalize about one nationality or particular sect of people it is termed as racism or discrimination. 

I have also been a victim of the same. Being born and brought up in Dubai, there have been uncountable instances where certain Arabic nationalities would look down upon me. I would enter a fashion store, ready to buy a bunch of clothing and also willing to pay the price for it, but i have left the store with nothing in my hands when i am looked at with discriminatory eyes of the sales person when i ask a question about the clothing. Don't ever look at me like i can't afford your designer clothing! 

There have also been times in Dubai where i am patiently standing in line and a person of fairer skin tone will simply be helped before me, or will be treated with a smile at a supermarket and me just talked to as i am a dog. The sad part about this is that more often than not, the person being discriminatory is of the same nationality as me. All i want to ask is - that guy paying you more for the groceries he bought than me in the same freaking supermarket? or is he paying more for the same clothes i bought from the SAME clothing store?

Well i guess i am done cribbing about a few of my experiences in stores, but i should also mention the clubs and bars that do the same. There are certain bars/clubs which don't allow Indians into the club because its against their policies, but a person of fairer skin tone would be gladly accepted into a night club with shorts and slippers. What i don't understand is, do they pay more for their drinks than us? Do we smell? 

In a number of countries in the Middle East, discriminatory practice has been commonplace, mostly against foreign workers who work in low wage conditions, such as domestic workers. Reports of taking away foreign worker’s passports and treating them as second class citizens are unfortunately commonplace.

Agreeably, racism is predominantly in every nook and corner of this world so i shouldn't only be talking about the middle east, but that's where i have spent most of my life. I believe hardly anything is being done to stop racism around the world, we continue to live life - day in and day out fully knowing that at some point someone will get irritated and annoyed and will retaliate back.

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